Michigan Imputationserver

A new web-based service for imputation that facilitates access to new reference panels and greatly improves user experience and productivity.


This server provides a free genotype imputation service. You can upload GWAS genotypes (VCF or 23andMe format) and receive phased and imputed genomes in return. Our server offers imputation from HapMap, 1000 Genomes (Phase 1 and 3), CAAPA and the updated Haplotype Reference Consortium (HRC version r1.1) panel. https://imputationserver.sph.umich.edu

In cooperation with the University of Michigan, Gonçalo Abecasis & Christian Fuchsberger.


Command Line
cloudgene install https://github.com/genepi/imputationserver/releases/download/v1.6.7/imputationserver.zip
  1. Login to Clougene and open the Admin Panel
  2. Click on Applications / Install App from URL
  3. The installation dialog appears. Please enter the following information:

  4. A confirmation dialog appears and you can change permissions for the application